Plug sockets are the electrical outlets or receptacles in our homes and workplaces. Plug sockets manage a house’s electrical system as they provide connection points for electronic devices and appliances. Understanding their functions is important for any homeowner to keep their house safe from any sort of mishap. Therefore, in this ultimate guide, we will explore the world of plug sockets, their types, installation procedures, and important safety tips.
Types of Plug Sockets
Just like there are different kinds of door locks for various kinds of doors, there are also different plug sockets for multiple applications. The type of plug socket dramatically depends on their application. They can vary based on the type of pin they have. Different types of plug sockets are:
Type A
Commonly used in homes and businesses, Type A sockets are the standard outlets used in North and Central America. They are comprised of two parallel pins.
Type B
Type B sockets are quite similar to type A ones as they are also commonly used in North America. The only difference is that the type B socket comprises an extra grounding pin, which makes the socket ideal for a specific type of appliance and makes it useful in kitchens and bathrooms.
Type C
Type C sockets are commonly used in Europe and Asia and are widely compatible with various devices. They are comprised of two round pins.
Type D
Type D sockets are found in India and a few other countries. They incorporate three round pins that make a triangle. Type D sockets are used for gravy electrical appliances such as refrigerators and air conditioners.
Type E
Commonly found in Belgium and France, type E sockets have two round pins and are suitable for heavy-duty appliances.
Type F
Type F sockets are also referred to as Schuko sockets and are commonly used in Europe. They are composed of a grounding socket along with two round pins. These types of sockets are of versatile application and safe.
Type G
The standard sockets in the United Kingdom are the type G sockets. These sockets have three rectangular pins arranged in a triangular configuration. This makes the sockets suitable for high-power appliances.
Installation Procedures
Turn Off the Power
Before attempting any sort of electrical installation or maintenance, make sure to turn off the circuit’s power you are operating on.
Choose the Right Location
Choose a location that is easily accessible and suitable for the devices you are going to use. Also, consider the spacing between outlets in high-traffic areas.
Wiring and Connections
For wiring and connections, it is always wise to follow the manufacturer’s instructions, which normally involve three wires: neutral, live (hot) and ground.
After installation, make sure to test the socket to ensure it’s working correctly.
Safety Considerations
For people with young children at home, it’s better to consider installing childproof outlets with built-in safety features. Also, avoid overloading a socket with too many devices. You can use surge protectors to distribute the electrical load evenly. Moreover, do a routine checkup for any signs of wear and tear to prevent accidents.
Lastly, if you live in a wet environment, make sure to install Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter outlets as they prevent electrical shocks, especially in wet environments. If you want durable electric sockets that aren’t easily damaged, check out the plug sockets collection at RS.